Android Emulator Rotate

Android device provides us two different modes first one is Portrait mode, second one is landscape mode. By default each and every time android emulator starts with portrait mode by app developer can force manually to rotate android emulator and use like a tablet device. So here is the complete step by step tutorial for Rotate android emulator to landscape mode manually.
Feb 17, 2021 I am a newbie on Android programming, and I am using the latest version of Android Studio on a Mac. For some reason, the emulator gives me an upside-down display when I rotate the device in the landscape.
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Android Emulator Rotate App

- Turn off NUMLOCK and press NUMPAD 9 to rotate the emulator. As far as I know, F11 or F12 doesn't work, and nor does Right Ctrl + F12. Hit Left Ctrl + F12, or Home, or PageUp, (not NUMPAD 7 or NUMPAD 9 like the website says) to rotate the emulator. On Mac OS X, you can use Ctrl + Fn + F12 to rotate the Android emulator if you have.
- How to rotate emulator screen (not device orientation)? Some apps run in landscape orientation, but sometimes allow you to see some picture in higher resolution by displaying it as portrait-oriented full screen image. Those are mostly games that allow you to tap character's portrait in profile to see it - Soccer Spirits, Chain Chronicle.
- If you want to Landscape emulator screen please press Ctrl+F12 and If you want to Ports cape emulator screen please press Ctrl+F11. Please comment foll.
- Android Emulator does NOT rotate into landscape view Hi all!! So when I launch the emulator and rotate the phone, it doesn't go into landscape orientation view.
How to Rotate android emulator to landscape mode manually.

- For Windows : Press Left CTRL + F12after starting android emulator.
- For Linux, Unix, Fedora : Press CTRL + F12after starting android emulator.
- For Mac OS : Press Fn + CTRL + F12after starting android emulator.