Bernese Gnss Software

The Bernese GNSS Software is the backbone for all activities of the satellite geodesy research group at AIUB: high performance processing of measurements, obtained by GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) and SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging), precise orbit determination for Low Earth Orbiting satellites (LEOs), and even gravity field determination. The software is also applied in the context of operational processing schemes, e.g., in the context of CODE (Center for Orbit Determination in Europe) since more than 20 years.

Bernese Gnss Software Download

The Bernese GNSS Software is a high performance, high accuracy GNSS and SLR post-processing software package for the space-geodetic community. It is supported, maintained, and regularly updated by AIUB, considering the latest recommendations and models (e.g., IERS Conventions and IGS processing conventions) as well as technological advancements (e.g., new satellite systems and observables), offering the user a maximum of flexibility in customizing processing strategies and options. The flyer provides a more detailed insight.

آیا می دانید Bernese چیست؟. با گسترش روز افزون سامانه های تعیین موقعیت ماهواره ای (GNSS) نرم افزار های پردازش داده های GNSS نیز روانه. The Bernese GNSS Software is a scientific, high-precision, multi-GNSS data processing software developed at the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB). It is, e.g., used by CODE (Center for Orbit Determination in Europe) for its international (IGS) and European (EUREF/EPN) activities.

The software package comes with a user-friendly interface, an online help system, and an comprehensive user manual:
Dach R, Lutz S, Walser P, Fridez P (Eds) (2015) Bernese GNSS Software Version 5.2. Documentation, Astronomical Institute, University of Bern, Bern. ISBN: 78‐3‐906813‐05‐9 ; DOI: 10.7892/boris.72297. Download PDF

The so-called Bernese Processing Engine (BPE) allows for automated processing, which is especially useful for large network processing and reprocessing efforts. For numerous standard applications ready-to-use examples exist. Nowadays the Bernese GNSS Software consists of more than 100 programs and about 1300 modules and subroutines, is platform-independent, and is used by some hundred customers throughout the world.

Bernese Gnss Software Version 5.2. User Manual

The latest version, released to the user community is Version 5.2, published in December 2012. It is regularly maintained with intermediate releases containing bugfixes, improvements, model updates, and adaptions to recent developments in the GNSS data processing.

A dedicated webpage is providing more detailed information on the features, but also the purchasing procedure of the software. In case of further questions please do not hesitate to contact our Software Administrator.

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Surveying and GNSS Positioning

Bernese gnss software download

Bernese Gnss Software Company

The Bernese GNSS Software is a scientific, high-precision, multi-GNSS data processing software developed at the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB). The Bernese GNSS Software provides an environment with high performance, high accuracy, and highly flexible reference GPS/GLONASS (GNSS) post-processing package. State-of-the-art modeling, detailed control over all relevant processing options, powerful tools for automatization, the adherence to up-to-date, internationally adopted standards, and the inherent flexibility due to a highly modular design are characteristics of the Bernese GNSS Software.

Trimble Business Center's field-to-finish survey CAD software helps surveyors deliver high-accuracy GNSS data, create CAD deliverables, and leverage full data traceability throughout a project's lifecycle. Trimble Business Center facilitates managing, processes and creates customer deliverables for all of the official survey tasks with just one software package.

Leica Geo Office (LGO) offers the most powerful tools all integrated in one common software to finalize your work faster today and tomorrow. LGO provides Seamless import and integration of data from all instruments including GNSS, Traversing and Level instrument support. It further provides best-in-class processing options for data processing for these instruments along with high end processing options for network adjustments, datum transformations, etc.

GAMIT ('GNSS at MIT') is a collection of programs to process phase data to estimate three-dimensional relative positions of ground stations and satellite orbits, atmospheric zenith delays, and Earth orientation parameters. The software is designed to run under any UNIX operating system.

GLOBK ('Global Kalman filter') is a Kalman filter whose primary purpose is to combine various geodetic solutions such as GPS, VLBI, and SLR experiments. It accepts as data, or 'quasi-observations,' the estimates and covariance matrices for station coordinates, Earth orientation parameters, orbital parameters, and source positions generated from the analysis of the primary observations.