Block Adobe Updater Little Snitch
After installing Lulu or little snitch to block outgoing internet connections from behind the company firewall i dont get any more Adobe crashes. Then once a month disable Lulu or little snitch, connect to normal wifi to update Adobe and bobs your uncle. The script is written to block access to any process, any port. You can also delete those lines and it will only block Mail. Open the 'Applications' folder in Finder and double-click the 'Little Snitch' icon to run the application. Click the 'New' button in the Little Snitch window, and click the down arrow icon. Little Snitch will track and block the network connection of specific software, e.g., when you start the software sequence of Adobe, Little Snitch will inform users through a pop-up window whether to allow. Mac 10.10 using little snitch, which process(s) do I deny to MAKE SURE my work doesn't get sync'ed/uploaded/shared to the CC cloud? The best part about Little Snitch is the customisability and flexibility it offers to the users. For example, if you add Google Chrome to the list of blocked apps, you have the flexibility to completely block internet access for the app, or just to prevent certain websites from being accessed by the application, by using the “Domains” option in the “Server” drop down menu. Little Snitch might be worth having if you don't like applications 'phoning home.' However, I've rarely heard of any applications doing so for nafarious purposes. Generally applications phone home for such innocuous purposes as checking for updates, making sure that you are registered, checking for other copies of the software on your network, etc.

Even after setting Little Snitch to deny AAM Updates Notifier, it's still chewing up the processor with incessant reading or writing. Some time ago, for some reason this Mac Pro (2010) suddenly stopped going to sleep through the normal method, so I've had to devolve to pressing the power button to put it to sleep.
I try not to put the Mac to sleep in the middle of a read/write, though it's probably not a problem. I just don't like AAM UN! #$@#!
Do I write a shell script? Can I use Python? Using Python I could figure out a script easier. What I did just now is opened Activity Monitor and killed the process. Would I write a script to do that, or is there a more elegant way? (I'm sure there must be!)

Thanks for any help, I'm out of my depth here (obviously),
Block Adobe Updater Little Snitch App
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Block Adobe Updater Little Snitch Free
Posted on Dec 16, 2012 10:06 PM