: Keynote 9

My presentations are hundreds of slides, no text, 1024 x 768.
Occasionally, a client wants me to present on a 16:9 screen. I go to the document pane and change it to 1920 x 1080 and voila... EXCEPT
Except that any image that was full size (covering the whole screen) is stretched. Not only that, but the metrics pane is set for constrain proportions. So now for each and every slide, I have to go in, uncheck constrain, move the picture so I can see the handles, use my eye to judge what it ought to be, unstretch it, and move it back where it belongs.
How do I instruct Keynote to leave these pictures alone, the same way it leaves any picture that isn't all the way to the edges alone?
Failing that, how can I change the images in bulk?
: Keynote 9

macbookpro, Mac OS X (10.6.2), v 5.03 of Keynote 09

Keynote 9.1 Text Outline Pdf Free


Keynote 9 Download

Posted on Mar 23, 2010 3:09 PM

Keynote 992

Following the keynote attend GTC sessions for a deep dive on technologies transforming our world presented by prestigious researchers, including Turing Award winners, business leaders, and industry pioneers. With over 1,600 sessions to explore – and free to attend – don’t miss the chance to discover what comes next. Apple's Keynote at the September 9 Event LIVE BLOG Everything you need to know from tonight's event Sep 9, 2015 13:47 GMT By Sergiu Gatlan Comment. Dumbed-down, stripped down version of earlier Keynote version. Still using Keynote 5.3 from iWork 09 bundle. 'Streamlined' app means loss of features, and a more challenging GUI and UX when using the latest versions of Pages/Keynote/Numbers. I am assuming loss of features etc is to ensure compatability with iPad versions of the same apps. Now, I get the chance to use the wider aspect ratio, because the presentation will be done for 1000 people on a really expensive 16:9 hd projector. I change the aspect ratio of the presentation and Keynote does exactly the wrong thing. SHMII-9 Keynote Speakers. Keynote speakers will present during the plenary session in Grand Ballroom E on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please check the conference schedule for specific speaker times. Gian Paolo Cimellaro. Title: SHM Role in the Framework of Infrastructure Resilience.