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NeoPets Game Guides – Freaky Factory

NeoPets Game Guides – Freaky Factory



Game Avatar:
You must get 1250+ points.

4 out of 5

NP Ratio:
60 NP per 100 PTS

Helpful Skills:
Fast Fingers, Quick Thinking

Quick NeoPet Game Cheats:

Note: The above pics may not apply to all games.


In Freaky Factory you are employed by Krelufun Industries and you need to produce toys!

First, there are some simple things you need to know. Blobs are the round things that are swinging above the vats. What are vats? They are the huge “pot-like” things that you have to drop the blobs into. Red blobs go into the red vat and same for blue and yellow. If you accidentally drop a blue blob into a yellow vat, you’d create waste. Eventually, if you keep missing vats or putting blobs into wrong vats, the game will end. And of course, like any other game, there will be a time limit.


You see the thermometer-like thing on each vat? That is how full each vat is. Be sure to not over fill it otherwise, that will create waste.

The bigger the blob, the more it will fill the vat. If the vat is 90% full, do not use a super-huge blob to fill it all the way up, because it’ll create waste! If the vat is very full; use a small blob to fill it all the way. If the vat is empty; use the bigger blobs. 🙂 Be careful!

Now, before just randomly dropping in certain blobs you need to know what toy you are making. Look a little to the right of the blue vat. You see the Scorchio with a little blue bar by it? Well that is what toy you’re going to be making. Since it’s BLUE you’ll need to fill up some of the blue vat with some blue blobs. To release a blue blob into the blue vat, you’ll need to click on the blue blob. There will be other species and colors as well. Sometimes even rainbow toys may come up which require a little of each vat. 🙂

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Now the speed of the blob is another important thing. If the blob is traveling fast over the converyor belt, then you’ll need to release it earlier before the vat because it will travel farther when dropping. When blobs are going slow, they won’t travel as far when released, so you can release slower blobs when closer to the vats. 🙂


Be sure to click on the Grundo Theif (look in picture above, he is near the “VAT” text on the left)! He is the Grundo near the conveyor belt. Click on him otherwise he’ll steal your toys!

There are special blobs too that you need to be aware of.

  • Angel Blobs which will fill the vat all the way full, regardless if it’s empty or half-way full. (the Angel Blob, if misses a vat and hits a toy will make it a halo toy which is 4x species points, but let this happen on accident, it’s risky doing this)
  • Soap Blobs which will clean up some waste.
  • Freezing Blobs which will slow down the conveyor belt (bad because you’re being timed and things need to be moving fairly quickly)
  • Super Blob which will fill all vats full (only appears in levels 7-10)
  • Glowing blob which upgrades all toys to the next multiplier.
  • EVIL BLOB which will create waste (looks like a normal blob, but angry and with teeth sticking out AVOID THESE
  • Speed blob which increases speed of the conveyor belt where the toys are shipped out

We hope this guide helped you a lot! 🙂 Good luck!

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